Monday, April 25, 2011

Poll / Blog Updates

The ILRSMC Blog would like to direct your attention to some new features that have officially gone live.

-You can now follow the blog by email, and it's easy to do! Simply enter your email in the right sidebar (underneath the poll) and you'll receive updates every time there's a new post.

-Want to find a specific member's posts? Go to the Contributors page and click on any author's name. All of the posts s/he has written will be available for view.

-Event recaps are now conveniently listed at the top of the right sidebar. More will be added as they appear on the blog.

-Under the event recaps is the new "Explore" section. Finds posts based on their specific content.
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Please take the time to vote in our newest poll. As this academic year begins to wind down, the blog will start its preliminary planning for not only next fall's content, but for continual summer posts, as well.

Feel free to select multiple answers, too.

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As always, we encourage you to use the comments section below to express any concern, question, or suggestion you may have for the blog moving forward.





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