Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Event Preview: Three Questions with Michael Huyghue


Join the Cornell Sports Business Society in Ives 105 on Friday (10/4) at 4:30, where former UFL Commissioner, Michael Huyghue '84, will be conducting a workshop on "Negotiations in the Professional Sports Arena." 

Michael Huyghue is the President of Michael Huyghue & Associates, where he consults professional sports teams, agents, and other sports-related properties. Michael Huyghue received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his law degree from the University of Michigan.

After graduation from law school, Huyghue began his career as a legal intern for the NFL's Players Association and was later an attorney with the NFL's Management Council in 1987, handling arbitration hearings. At the age of 29, he became the youngest general manager in professional football when he joined the NFL's World League in 1989. Huyghue joined the Detroit Lions as vice president and general counsel, before becoming senior vice president of football operations for the Jacksonville Jaguars in the team's inaugural NFL season. During Huyghue's tenure with the Jaguars, the team became the "winningest" franchise in expansion history, achieving two AFC Central Division Championships and an unprecedented two AFC Championship appearances.

Huyghue has served on many of the NFL Commissioner's prominent committees, including the NFL Management Council, the Executive Working Group Committee, the NFL College Advisory Committee, the NFL Europe League, and as a Trustee of the NFL Players Insurance Trust. Prior to becoming commissioner of the United Football League in 2006, Huyghue was CEO and founder of Axcess Sports & Entertainment, where he represented a number of NFL, NBA and PGA tour players.

Huyghue was kind enough to participate in a 3Q Interview to help preview the event.  Here's what he had to say:

(1) The Negotiations Workshop will be the first of its kind for the Cornell Sports Business Society; why did you choose to do this and what value do you hope students can gain from this session?

I think the value of teaching "real life" situations is a good supplement to the traditional class room experience. We practitioners in the real world can offer a unique perspective to academic study. I wanted students to come away with a real skill and not necessarily just practical knowledge.

(2) In your opinion, what is the greatest myth or misunderstanding about business negotiations?

I think the biggest myth is a one size fits all approach. Every negotiation is different. You can't anticipate every situation and you can't necessarily take the same cookie cutter approach to each negotiation. Every situation is unique and you might have to approach each situation from a different vantage point.

(3) During your extensive history within the sports industry, which business negotiation do you consider to be a turning point in your career?

I think the best lesson, if you will, that I learned during my business career is that you really only gain the greatest degree of leverage in a negotiation when you are prepared to walk. Unless and until you feel you can walk away from the deal you are ultimately at the risk of conceding more than you should.

*BONUS* What do you miss most about your days at Cornell?

There is an energy around the Cornell environment that I call the Cornell experience. It is unique to each student but similar in the sense that it allows you to expand your horizons by asking questions like "what if and why not". You don't get to explore those thoughts as much in business world. That is a precious freedom I miss.

Join the Cornell Sports Business Society in Ives 105 on Friday (10/4) at 4:30, where former UFL Commissioner, Michael Huyghue '84, will be conducting a workshop on "Negotiations in the Professional Sports Arena." Check out the event on Facebook more information.

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